mandag den 5. december 2022

I've worked 100 entities using FT8

In July 2022, I challenged myself to pursuing 100 entities using FT8 and wire antennas. The pursuit is over now as I worked entity #100 on the 1st of December. The challenge lasted nearly 5 months.

The 100 entities are listed here:

My 100 entities distributed on continents.

The figure above shows the 100 worked entities distributed on continents. Most entities were from EU (Europe) and AS (Asia). Less frequent were AF (Africa) and NA (North America). SA (South America) and OC (Oceania) contributed with 8 entities. The reason for the EU majority: Living in Denmark makes it easy for me to contact European entities, and there are many of them!

My 100 entities distributed on frequency band.

The figure above shows the 100 worked entities distributed on frequency bands. I've worked most entities on the 20 meter and 15 meter bands. I've worked only 2 entities on the 80 meter band (the antenna was too short on 80 meters). The remaining bands contributed almost the same number of entities.

I've used low output power (20 W or less) for 99 of the entities. Only in one case 80 W was used. My antenna was a dipole (entity 1-70) and a horizontal wire loop 43 m long (entity 71-100).

Vy 73 from OZ1BXM

søndag den 10. juli 2022

In Pursuit of 100 Entities using FT8

I've decided to challenge myself and pursuit 100 entities using FT8. My experience with FT8 is not long as I've had only 25 QSO's in that mode. The goal of 100 entities should be achivable this year as the sunspot level is growing every month and good conditions can be expected on the upper HF-bands. The graph below shows how sunspots are increasing right now. 


Increasing sunspots during 2022. 

My antenna for the FT8 challenge is shown below. It is a centerfed wire dipole measuring 2 x 10 meters. The highest point is 7 meters above ground. The automatic ATU in the attic keeps SWR low on the coax-cable. 

 Wire antenna at OZ1BXM.

If you would like to monitor my progress, you can visit this page where my worked entities are listed: 

Vy 73 from OZ1BXM
My homepage:

tirsdag den 26. april 2022

Operating 144 MHz EME again

After some years of non-activity, I've decided to operate 144 MHz EME again. The equipment is in store, and I want continue in this exciting branch of ham radio. Full description of my EME station: 

The different categories within 144 MHz EME stations are shown below.

Category     Ant-gain     Example antenna

Monster     24 dBd         16 x 9 element yagi

Big     21 dBd         8 x 9 element yagi

Mid-size     18 dBd         4 x 9 element yagi

Small     15 dBd         2 x 9 element yagi

QRP     12 dBd         1 x 9 element yagi

I've assembled a small EME station with 15 dBd antenna gain. The antenna array is 4 x 6 element yagi which provides 15 dBd gain. The picture below from 26-april-2022 shows my array.  

4 x 6 yagi for 144 MHz EME at OZ1BXM.

Azimuth rotor is Yaesu G-600 and elevation rotor is Kenpro KR-550. Both rotors are controlled by PSTRotator running on my Windows 10 PC.

I'll be a frequent visitor to the N0UK EME chat where EME-amateurs meet and arrange skeds.

I hope to work many initials in the time to come!

73 from OZ1BXM Lars Petersen,